Even in Photography

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Even in Photography-We hear so much about the importance of being green these days that it is almost something that doesn't need to be said. It's become a mainstream term that is here to stay. But did you know that it is important to be green when dealing with digital cameras? By this I mean, our eyes are most sensitive to the color green. You can relax. This is not a political discussion.

Without getting into too much geeky talk on how your digital camera works, suffice it to say that it has what is known as a photosensor made up of these tiny cells (or pixels) that capture light and then make a determination on how intense the amount of light that was let in (the intensity). But that we be great just for grayscale. For color, there is an extra sensor that has color filters with the three different types of colors often known as RGB (Red, Green and Blue). The green is going to be twice that of blue or red. Again, it all has to do with just how sensitive our eyes are.

Now why do you even need to know any of this technobabble? Well, it probably won't affect the majority of us amateur photographers that simply want to line up a quick shot and shoot. But if you've ever encountered a situation where you are taking a landscape photograph and you happen to noticed that the greens tend to be much more brilliant (perhaps too much so), then at least you'll have some kind of explanation for why that is.


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